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Live Workshops from Turnitin

Turnitin workshops can help users to understand how to use our products to achieve educational goals. Whether you use our Integrity products or Gradescope, there is a workshop that can provide insights and guidance for best usage and practices.

These sessions are conducted to ensure you can:

  1. Explore the benefits and use the tool effectively,
  2. Stay current on new developments of the tool, and
  3. Find answers to your questions.

Register now to increase your knowledge of how to use your Turnitin solution to meet your goals. Registration will ensure that you receive reminders prior to the session and a recording for reference afterwards. Feel free to share any questions with

NOTE: New workshops will be added to this page so plan to check back periodically.

* try using a free online time conversion website to ensure that you don’t miss a workshop due to time zone differences.

Useful workshops for all users

WorkshopLanguageDateTimeRegistration link
Level Up Your Authenticity: Unmask AI-Generated Work & Empower Student VoicesEnglish8 Jan4:00pm (GMT-05)Register
Retroalimentación eficaz con Turnitin Feedback StudioEspañol16 Jan10:00am (GMT-05)Register
Level Up Your Authenticity: Unmask AI-Generated Work & Empower Student VoicesEnglish5 Feb9:00am (GMT-05)Register
Transforma la evaluación: examen en papel con retroalimentación digital en Gradescope de TurnitinEspañol6 Feb2:00pm (GMT-05)Register
Plagiat oder Ähnlichkeit? Interpretierung von Übereinstimmungen im Ähnlichkeitsbericht.Deutsch11 Feb11:00 am (GMT)Register
Retroalimentación eficaz con Turnitin Feedback StudioEspañol13 Feb2:00pm (GMT-05)Register
Plagiaat of Overeenstemming? Interpretatie van Overeenkomsten in het Similarity RapportNederlands17 Feb11:00am (GMT)Register
Exploring Turnitin Feedback Studio's evaluation toolsEnglish18 Feb2:00pm (GMT)Register
Benefits of using iThenticate 2.0English20 Feb2:00pm (GMT)Register
Turnitin's new Similarity report and AI detectionEnglish25 Feb10:00am (GMT)Register
Il nuovo rapporto di somiglianzaItaliano25 Feb2:00pm (GMT)Register
Turnitin's new Similarity report and AI detectionEnglish26 Feb4:00pm (GMT)Register
Le nouveau rapport de similaritéFrançais4 Mar2:00pm (GMT)Register
Unlock the Power of the New Turnitin Similarity ReportEnglish5 Mar9:00am (GMT-05)Register
Plagiat oder Ähnlichkeit? Interpretierung von Übereinstimmungen im Ähnlichkeitsbericht.Deutsch11 Mar2:00pm (GMT)Register
Transformando la calificación de tareas en papel con Paper to Digital de TurnitinEspañol13 Mar10:00am (GMT-05)Register
Plagiarism or Similarity? Interpreting Matches in the Similarity Report.English18 Mar2:00pm (GMT)Register

Workshops for Admins

WorkshopLanguageDateTimeRegistration link
Delivering innovation: The road to LTI 1.3
English11 Mar9:00am (GMT-05)Register